Oh yeah! This is what I’m talking about! And I have a feeling I’m not alone.
In fact, I’m willing to bet that armies of millions are lined up behind me in their overwhelming excitement about this news: there’ is now a movie theater where $15 buys you a ticket to the show and you can bring your dog with you. Oh, and you get unlimited wine or four whiskeys with that ticket.
K9 Cinemas in Plano, Texas, is the name of the joint, and it opened in late 2018. There are only three rules people need to follow at the cinema: no more than two dogs per person (it costs $5 to bring an extra pup), you need to bring valid papers from your dog’s vet the first time you visit, and you need to clean up after your best friend. Also, you can buy snacks for yourself (obviously) and treats for your furry friend, too.
Eric Lankford, who founded K9 Cinemas, said, “I can’t believe we are breaking ground with a new niche nobody has done before — dogs and movies! We are excited to spread the smiles across your whole families faces, furry included, at a K9C near you coming soon!”
Lankford said about the business and beloved dog, Bear:
“Little did Bear and I know we would soon be published in every major publication you can name both nationally and worldwide. Turns out when you start a passion project with a decade of experience building businesses and turn that experience on to something you sincerely love, something special happens. I simply want to make other people as happy as Bear makes me. When our customers come through our doors it’s nothing but smiles and laughter.”
The theater doesn’t show first-run films yet, but instead screens one-off movies and hosts theme nights. And, of course, you better believe the theater has hosted Game of Thrones viewing parties.
Genius idea! I smell a franchise brewing…