
Posts by Jason Mustaain

35 Photos of Naughty Memes

It’s no secret everyone loves sex. Some like to hide it and some embrace the sh*t out of it and tell everyone how good the last d*ck session we got was. I think living life as the latter is way more fun. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13....

Anna Kendrick Broke up with This Dude Because He Didn’t Respect Her Boundaries

Although you’d never guess it based off her outspoken opinions on Twitter and flamboyant personality both on and offscreen, actress and singer Anna Kendrick hates confrontation. So much so that she’s consciously had to change the way her mind works over the last few years in order to refrain from this familiar situation: “In the...

17 Awkward Text Messages Daughters Sent To Their Moms

We’ve all been there after a long night out of drinking. You wake up dying for water, Gatorade, or whatever liquid is closest to your bed. You’re fighting a killer headache and can only feel the hangover creeping up on you by the minute. You check to make sure you made it home with your...

There’s a New Toy on the Market for People Who Love to Pop Pimples

With the popularity of Dr. Pimple Popper online and everyone becoming obsessed with seeing pimples popped (and begging their boyfriends to let them pop their pimples), it’s no wonder that a company decided to take advantage of the market and create something for you…individuals. If you ask me, I think popping pimples is gross and...

27 Jokes About People Who Get Excited When Their Plans Get Canceled

The problem with plans is that they’re rarely for the day you made them. How I feel about going out changes on a minute by minute basis. Also, I probably only agreed to hang out because I have trouble saying no and want you to like me. So when I get that magical text from...

Woman Was Accidentally Added to Sexist Guys’ Group Chat About Her, so She Put It on Facebook

If the recent cultural climate has proven anything, it’s that it is #TimesUp when it comes to men objectifying and creeping on women — and one Australian student has really taken this lesson to heart. Eleanor Henry, a 22-year-old law student at Melbourne University, was recently mortified after her peers accidentally added her to an...

30+ Memes Only People Who Are Already Going to Hell Should Look At

I sincerely hope you didn’t click on this just begging to be offended – those who seek will always find. That being said, for those that can laugh at themselves as much as others, we welcome you with open arms! And remember, your path to hell is not guaranteed. It’s not too late for you…you...

46 Memes About Work That You Might Want to Send to Your Co-Workers

In the immortal words of Blink-182, “work sucks, I know.” Between pointless meetings that could have easily been summed up in an email and being shamed into putting $10 towards Carol’s birthday gift, even though Carol sucks and constantly takes credit for your work, you’ve gotta find time to blow off a little steam. Here are some memes to help you...

15 Tweets About Women Supporting Other Women

Girls are conditioned from a young age to view other women as competition rather than a support system. We are taught that there simply aren’t enough jobs, opportunities, and sexual partners to go around, so we frequently avoid trusting other females. That’s why it’s so heartening to see women defying this outdated and regressive stereotype...

40 Photos And Memes About Life As A Parent

Not all of us are ready to have kids just yet, seeing as we can barely take care of ourselves. However, while we dream about our futures where we’re able to afford groceries for more than 3 days a week, have finally paid of our college loans, and settle down with someone who won’t ghost...

A Trans Woman Found Love with a Guy Who Turned Her Down While She Was Living as a Boy

For Erin Anderson and Jared Norris, their long-term relationship was love at first sight — well, after a few years, that is. Erin, a 22-year-old trans woman, initially approached Jared, her Facebook crush, while she was still living as a boy. “While still living (as a) a boy, I messaged Jared on Facebook saying, ‘Hey,...

Woman Shares Before-and-After Pictures after a Groomer ‘Did Her Dog Dirty’

Whenever you take your dog to the groomer, you assume they’re going to do a good job. I mean, that’s what you’re paying for, right? You don’t think you’re going to get your dog back looking like an entirely new animal–or, horrible. One girl was shocked and mortified after seeing her white, fluffy dog after...

A Guy Tried to Hook up with a Woman by ‘Negging’ Her, so She Gave It Back x10

For some unfathomable reason, a select group of men has decided that women secretly love it when you verbally abuse and insult them. This trend was most likely inspired by the advice of gross, misogynist “pickup artists,” who tell men that dominance is best displayed via rude, insensitive remarks. This process of breaking someone down...

Newspaper Tries to Translate ‘Sex Emojis’

For some reason, adults are always trying to “debunk” the art of conversation with us young “kids.” Remember when parents used to try to figure out what BRB, LOL, and LMFAO meant when we were all using AOL Instant Messanger? Forget ASL on chatrooms–it’s been a hobby of adults since texting and the Internet came...

This Cat’s Reaction to a Possum Stealing Her Dinner Gets Increasingly Better with Every Photo

One of the worst things that can happen to any living being is to have their food yionked out from right underneath them. You’re looking down at your long-awaited dinner, and all the sudden, it becomes someone else’s dinner! The indecency! The immorality of it all! That’s precisely what happened to an adorable cat belonging...