
Cancer Is Much More Likely to Kill You If You Rely on ‘Natural’ Therapies

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I have to admit, I’ve always been very wary of natural medicine and therapies. Don’t get me wrong, I wish they worked like a charm so we wouldn’t have to go to traditional doctors, but it is what it is.

The news isn’t great for natural remedies these days. While mainstream medicine (and the health care system in the U.S.) has a LONG way to go, it’s still the best way to get treated – and that’s backed up by research. A study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute states that cancer patients are twice as likely to die from their cancer if they choose natural remedies over regular medicine. And if you have breast or colorectal cancer, you’re FIVE TIMES more likely to die if you choose alternative medicine.

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To be clear, these statistics do not reflect people who use alternative medicine along with traditional treatment.

The research shows that natural treatments do not address the actual problem when it comes to cancer. Your body likely won’t recognize the problem when cancer cells are growing because the cancer isn’t trying to kill, the cells are trying to multiply.

Bottom line: modern medicine isn’t perfect, but it is your best bet. Cancer treatments are harsh and invasive, but your chances of living longer are greatly improved if you take advantage of them. And more people are living with cancer today than ever before.

Cancer is a grim subject, but there is absolutely room for hope!