

Here Is What Historical Figures Would Look Like If They Were Alive Today

I have a feeling that once you start looking at this Instagram account, you’re gonna want more. Like, a lot more. And boy do they have a TON of these really cool illustrations. It’s called Royalty Now, and it’s run by a graphic designer named Becca Saladin. She imagines what historical figures would look like...

21 Powerful Photo Collages of People Who Live Very Different Lives

Art can make people see things from a new perspective. Turkish artist Uğur Gallenkuş is based in Istanbul, Turkey and is known for his photo collages. A digital artist, Gallenkuş focuses on poverty, war zones, and refugees. He uses his art to spark conversations between their lives and those of people who are more privileged....

Check out These Amazing, Elaborately Detailed Miniature Worlds Made for Snails

I’m not exaggerating: this is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in quite a while. Samuel Copeland and Aleia Murawski create amazing miniature worlds for their pet snails and they are insanely impressive. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8jgWJCn_m5/ So how did anybody even think about doing something like this? Copeland said that he and Murawski started the project...

You Can Buy A Rubber Chicken Purse And Some People Are Obsessed

Fashion trends are still a thing right? Like where bell bottoms come back in style, or skinny jeans and leggings? Nowadays, I’m honestly pretty skeptical of what makes something “trendy.” I suppose the cool thing about living in 2020 is that we live practically in the post-trend fashion world; a place where everything is available,...

The National Bonsai Musuem in Washington D.C. Will Delight the Botanical Lover in You

In Washington D.C., one extraordinary museum holds some mighty special trees. These trees aren’t giant oaks or flowered with cherry blossoms, though. The National Bonsai Museum, rather, is home to 150 species of trees pruned and cared for in the manner of bonsai – a traditional Japanese cultivation technique that produces trees in miniature. The...

You Can Now Buy A Jason Momoa Coloring Book

If you’re a heterosexual woman, or a homosexual man, or a bisexual person, or like, any person with a pulse or probably also if you’re an alien, you probably realize that actor Jason Momoa is an attractive human being. It’s not really debatable. Empirically, he is attractive. You can @ me if you want, but...

Enormous Carving of a Lion Is the World’s Largest Redwood Sculpture

There are so many cool things out there in the world, you’d never be able to see them all in one lifetime. And incredible projects like this are one reason to not just chuck the entire dumpster fire of the internet; now everyone around the world gets to see this gorgeous sculpture of a roaring,...