

12 Monumental Facts About the Sistine Chapel

The famous artwork that defines the Sistine Chapel has drawn tourists and landed on travel bucket lists since, well, probably since Michelangelo and his crew (including one Sandra Botticelli) completed work in 1481. They created the whole thing in less than 5 years, and it has stood the test of time, both architecturally and artistically....

These Travel Instagrammers Shared Their Best Tips on How to Take Great Photos

Capturing the best travel moments on a camera can be hard. What you see with your own eyes can never be replicated in a photo. Sometimes the photos are grainy, have too many shadows or simply fall flat. You get home and show your friends the pictures from your incredible trip, only to be forced...

This Woman Won a Design Award for a Chair That Prevents “Manspreading”

“Manspreading,” in case you’re unfamiliar with the term, is what happens when men in the cramped quarters of public transit choose to take up more than their quota of space by spreading out their legs. Seen by feminists as an unwanted exhibition of male social dominance and by sensible, polite people as just plain rude,...

8 Fun Facts That You Might Not Know

I can feel myself getting dumb and dumber every day, so I need these fact sets in my life to help boost the ol’ IQ. Know what I mean? Yes, you do. Enjoy these facts and GET SMART! 1. Buy Nothing Day Source 2. Do you live in The Truman Show? Source 3. White and...

This Photographer Shoots Elderly Couples in Engagement-Style Photos

Sujata Setia is a London-based photographer who takes engagement-style photos….but with a little twist. She shoots elderly couples as if they were celebrating their newfound love. A brilliant idea, don’t you think? https://www.instagram.com/p/B0JPjjMpjfD/ Setia explained how she got started: “I noticed…that people only came to get photographs taken with their children and spouses. I never...

Stan Lee Is Getting a Street Named After Him in the Bronx

Yes! It’s about time! Stan Lee died in November 2018 at the age of 95, but his incredible artistic legacy will live on forever (as we all know). I mean, the man pretty much invented the modern comic book industry. Now, Lee’s legacy will be acknowledged in another way besides his amazing body of work....

10 Fun Facts That You Might Not Know

Annnnnnnnd, ONE and TWO and THREE and FOUR! Pump it up! No, not your biceps! Your brain! And you can easily do it with these facts! RIGHT NOW! 1. BFFs Forever Source 1 Source 2 2. Dark = Smart Source 1 Source 2 3. Sad Source 1 Source 2 4. Creepy and beautiful Source 1...

The Last Surviving Mount Rushmore Artist Is 98 Years Young

Nearly 400 men and women worked to build the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, a giant, stone carving featuring the facial likenesses of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0HEdmNBwnT/ Out of the group of call boys, carvers, drillers, blacksmiths, and housekeepers that brought the giant carving to life between the years...