
This Photographer Shoots Elderly Couples in Engagement-Style Photos


Sujata Setia is a London-based photographer who takes engagement-style photos….but with a little twist. She shoots elderly couples as if they were celebrating their newfound love.

A brilliant idea, don’t you think?


Setia explained how she got started:

“I noticed…that people only came to get photographs taken with their children and spouses. I never had a client asking me to take photographs of their parents or grandparents or even photos of their children and parents.

So I decided to divide my work time into two parts. I spent one half of my month photographing my clients the way they wanted me to and the other half was dedicated to requesting grandparents and great-grandparents (who I would invite via model calls or would randomly approach in public places) to come and be photographed by me with their grandkids.

On one such shoot in Houston, Texas, this year, I noticed that while I was photographing one grandparent with their grandchild, the other grandparent was just standing silently in a corner. So, for the sake of their memories together, I asked both grandparents if I could photograph them together… and I haven’t stopped doing that now.”




Setia continued, “Whichever country I visit, I make sure I photograph elderly couples there together and I cannot express how fulfilling this has been for me. The stories I hear of their lives together… and the pure and honest love that I witness in the course of these shoots is just beyond amazing.”


Beautiful and heartwarming, to say the least.