10 Vigorous Sports Facts That You Might Not Know
Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite? Football? Basketball? Baseball? I’m a hockey fan through-and-through and have been since I was a little kid. Let’s take a look at some fun sports that you might not be familiar with. 1. That’s a lot of money. Source 2. Let them play! Source 3. The inventor...
The Lightbulb That’s Been Burning Since 1901
The advent of CFL (compact fluorescent light) and LED technology has largely mitigated that annoying moment when a light bulb burns out and needs to be replaced. They last a long time (which is great), but they still don’t last nearly as long as this bulb has – it’s been burning since 1901. That’s 118...
6 Of The Most Expensive Typos In History
Sometimes, typos are just annoying things that need to be fixed. Other times they can cause us a whole lot of embarrassment. You might not realize, though, that in some cases, a simple mistake can also cost companies a whole lot of cash – and these 7 really take the cake. 6. A family out...