

Disneyland’s First-Ever Customer Has Gone Back Every Year Since It Opened in 1955

For those who don’t live nearby, going to Disneyland is a feat that requires months of pre-planning and budgeting. But one man gets to go every single year for free, and he has been since 1955. Dave MacPherson has a lifetime pass to Disneyland for a very special reason: he was the park’s first-ever customer....

This Guy Collects Historic Images to Show That Gay Men and Women Have Always Existed, Just on the DL

A man who goes by the name Father Nathan Monk has been collecting photos of gay couples from the past in an effort to highlight the struggles those people went through in eras when same-sex lovers weren’t allowed to marry or even to be together. Monk said: “I found the photos online through a couple...

There Is a Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Floating Around That Claims the World Ended in 2012

Okay, this is very strange and might blow your mind, so follow along and read this entire Twitter thread. A man named Nick Hinton recently took to Twitter to break down a weird conspiracy theory that the world actually ended in 2012, and we are now living in an alternate reality. Okay, now I’m getting...

Sugar Doesn’t Actually Give You a ‘Sugar Rush’

Since the dawn of candy, parents have been warning their kids away from eating too many sweets to avoid a “sugar rush.” This so-called sugar rush supposedly causes hyperactivity, which can in turn lead to naughty behavior. But there’s no such thing. Study after study demonstrates that, nope, the sugar rush is not a real...

Researchers Accidentally Discover the Worst Time to Be Alive in All of Human History

There’s no denying that the current world has its issues, but overall, we’re safe, fed, stable, and happy. If not the actual best time to be alive, the 2010s make a good argument for being in contention. When, do you suppose, was life quite the opposite? The question seems to have been answered by accident...

10 Halloween Traditions with Interesting Origins

It’s that lovely, cool, dark, spooky time of year again – Halloween is just around the corner. But even if you love the season and the day, there are probably at least a couple of traditions you participate on but aren’t sure why. We’re looking to clear that up with some background and origins of...