

14 Historical Events That May Have Been Influenced By Time Travelers

There are many things in history that make sort of inevitable sense. Battles are won by the bigger, stronger army. People die when circumstances outwit them, and the weather has had more than it’s fair share of influence over the years, too. There are other events, though, that seem to defy all logic and reason....

15 Historical Events That Seem Too Weird To Be True

If you’re a history lover like me, you know that the past is littered with actual events that will drop your jaw. People in extraordinary circumstances are capable of extraordinary feats, and over and over again, human beings have proved that was true. Some of those events, when viewed through a modern lens, actually seem...

14 People Recall Things From The 80s and 90s That We’ve Tried To Forget

If you, like me, belong to GenX or the Millennial generation, you probably tend to view the 80s, 90s, and early aughts with rose colored glasses tinted by nostalgia. We remember the music, the fashion, the stars and the days without cell phones, but we tend to forget the less savory parts. For this post,...

25 People Share Stories About Sketchy Situations That Just Got Worse

It’s usually a good idea to listen to your gut. There’s some kind of switch that just turns in your body when you know you’re in a bad situation that could get really ugly, really fast. I’m sure most of us have been in that position at least a few times, and it’s always a...

29 People Share the Scariest Things They Experienced While They Were Home Alone

When I was in fifth grade, a friend of mine and his younger siblings had a babysitter one night because their parents went out for a night on the town. Their house backed up to some woods and when it was late and very dark outside and the kids were already sleeping, the teenage babysitter...

13 Good People Who Are Remembered as Villains

For most of us, our reputations in this life reflect our actions. We do good, people assume we’re good, and the opposite is equally true. There have been plenty of moments throughout history, though, when unfair or flat-out wrong assumptions are made, and because of media and public opinion and history books being written by...

16 People Share Historical Events They Think Are Too Bizarre To Have Really Happened

I’m sure that you’ve heard the saying “truth is stranger than fiction” and I can attest as a writer that this is definitely true – there are real, true stories from the past that would never fly as the plot for a novel because no one would believe it. Still, they can be pretty fun...

16 Awful Things From the 80s and 90s That We’ve Conveniently Forgotten

Have you had one of those moments, the ones where you want to show or tell a younger person something from your childhood only to realize that there are pieces of it that are just not suitable for modern sensibilities at ALL? No? Well, most Millennials and GenXers I know definitely have, and from those...