

Hilarious Memes That Might Make You Appreciate History More

Do kids today really appreciate history like older generations do? I think they do if there are funny memes involved! And that’s exactly what we’re about to get into. Let’s do some fun history learnin’! 1. That’s where. 2. Hold that thought. 3. Very impressive. 4. Look at all my shit! 5. That dreaded haircut....

Baby Tortoises Were Born on a Galapagos Island for the First Time in 100 Years

Here’s a nice, positive story in the midst of the seemingly-nonstop flow of awful news stories lately. Pinzon in the Galapagos Islands is home to tortoises that are on the endangered species list, but the good news is that for the first time in 100 years, baby tortoises are back! So why did it take...

Three Teenage Hawaiian Princes Brought Surfing To California

Three Hawaiian princes brought the sport of surfing to California and a Santa Cruz museum tells their story. The Santa Cruz Surfing Museum is inside a lighthouse on Monterrey Peninsula’s northern tip. Although surfing is an old Polynesian sport, Santa Cruz is known as its entry point into the U.S. It was in the middle...

Ex-Prisoners Share Stories About the Most Evil People They Encountered Behind Bars

I have to say, I think going to prison would be the most terrifying experience imaginable. Being locked up with murderers, rapists, and all kinds of other violent offenders has to do so much damage to a person’s psyche. Let’s hope that all of us (or at least most of us) never have to go...

18 Funny Memes You Might Like If You’re a True Crime Fan

These memes. You could say I enjoyed them immensely and that would be an understatement. Want to know why? Of course you do. Because I love true crime! Some might even call it an obsession, and they’re right. True crime TV shows, documentaries, books, movies, you name it… I watch it. And I’m assuming you do...

7 Quirky Facts About Leap Year

February 29th is one of those things we don’t think much about, partly because it only shows up every 4 years and partly because no one really understands why it exists or how it works (I think). And while there’s no getting around the first reason, maybe we can clear up some questions surrounding its...

14 Forensic Investigators Share Stories About the Most Horrific Cases They’ve Ever Worked On

I often think about whether I should have tried to become a forensic investigator because I’m so obsessed with crime, the criminal mind, and how the whole puzzle is put together to solve murders. But, maybe it’s better that I just enjoy this subject from afar, because dealing with these kinds of atrocities on a...