

10 Celebrities Who Don’t Bathe Often, And 10 Who Love Them

Listen, y’all. I cannot believe that there are so many people in this world who are actually concerned with how often other people bathe. I’m someone who does not enjoy baths or showers, and so washing every day is just never going to happen. I’m married to someone who showers every day, sometimes twice, and...

25 People Tell Sweet Stories About The Incomparable Robin Williams

Robin Williams is one of those celebrities that was pretty much universally loved and admired, and a soul that this world misses like crazy – sadly, he seems like the kind of person who often doesn’t stick around for as long as we might have hoped. If you’re missing him and wondering whether meeting him...

25 Famous People and Their Last Words

Famous last words… You’ve probably heard that phrase before, right? Well, it exists for a reason, ya know? Because a lot of famous people have said some pretty interesting things before they decided to pass on. Are you ready to learn something new today? Let’s check out some famous last words from names we think...

Check Out the Famous Last Words of These 25 People

Here’s a pro tip about life: if you know you’re about to kick the bucket, think of something really clever or interesting to say! Now, I’m not saying that’s what these famous people did, but I’d sure like to think that’s the truth. You never know, right? Take a look at these last words from...

14 Pictures of Celebrities Back in the Day

We become so accustomed to what the people we see on the television and on the big screen look like from the day we first see them and beyond that it can be hard to even remember that they were babies, toddlers, and awkward teens once, too. If you’re curious what your favorite mature actors,...

If You Could Cancel Anything, What Would It Be? Here’s What People Had to Say.

I know what I’d like to cancel, but I just don’t have the power… INFLUENCERS! Now, I’m sure that there are some influencers on social media out there who do good things and help people out, but the whole trend and culture surrounding these folks is totally out of control and I personally believe that...

13 People Share What They’d Cancel if They Had the Power

It’s a fact of life that, at least for the time being, we live in a cancel culture. One false move and you’re bound to get in trouble from all sorts of people who hold very strong opinions about any number of topics. But I guess some things deserve to be canceled, right? What would...

13 Bizarre Celebrity Mashups Nobody Asked For – But That We Can’t Stop Looking At

You might spend some time thinking about this celebrity or that, what they look like, what they believe in, and sure, what your babies together might look like. You probably don’t spend much time wondering what two random celebrities would look like if you mashed them together, but luckily (?) for all of us, @arkanememes...