

10 Interesting Facts That Might Make You Say ‘Wait, What?’

WOW. I mean, seriously…WOW. These facts are good. Damn good, if I do say so myself. I think you’ll agree. Go ahead and see for yourself… 1. There’s something out there… Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 2. That sounds nice right about now. Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 3. I’m in big trouble....

13 People Share the Terrifying Moment They Knew They Had to GTFO

You know the feeling – the hair stands up on the back of your neck, your heart starts to race, your palms are sweating, and even though there’s no obvious threat, everything inside you screams to get the heck out while you can. Most of us will be lucky enough to experience this in what...

10 Interesting Facts That You Might Not Know

I present to you another set of quality facts. We’re talking about the good stuff here, people. Facts that will make you think long and hard. Let’s get to the facts, shall we? 1. Read with your kids! Source 1 Source 2 2. A great idea! Source 1 Source 2 3. That worked out pretty...

How Your Cat’s Purr Can Literally Help Heal You

Here’s a scientific discovery that won’t surprise cat owners in the slightest. Your cat’s purr has a real therapeutic effect, and it can even help heal you. Cats purr for a variety of reasons. Most often, they purr out of contentment and happiness — this is the most obvious reason, easy to observe in any...

The “Scully Effect” Is Real: Female “X-Files” Fans Flock to STEM Careers

As if The X-Files wasn’t awesome enough as a television show, now we’re learning that all of the little girls who looked up, wide-eyed, at the tough-as-nails, no-nonsense, science-loving Scully are flocking to careers in science, math, and engineering. Those fields have long been dominated by men, and though that tide has been shifting little-by-little,...

10 Interesting Facts for You to Ponder

It’s time to get down to business with another fact set. We consistently bring you the facts that you make you think about our world and ponder our past, present, and future. Are you ready to put on your thinking cap? Let’s go! 1. Get down to business! Source 1 Source 2 2. You have...

These Are the First 4 Things People Notice About Your Face

You never get a second chance at a first impression, and when it comes to impressing strangers, some things aren’t within your control. For example: Your face. Every time you meet someone new, they judge your face on four basic characteristics, psychologist Leslie Zebrowitz says. She listed the four facial cues in a paper published...

Study Finds Your Smartphone Is Making You Dumber, Even When It’s Turned Off

Turn off your phone. Better yet, throw it away! According to one 2017 study, you basically get stupider just by sharing the room with a smartphone, even if it’s not turned on. The idea that smartphones dull your intelligence is not a new one. Many people are cautious about the over-use of screens and what it’s...