

Employers Share the Most Bizarre Questions They Ever Got from Job Applicants

At the end of most every interview, the employer will ask, “Do you have any questions for me?” This is where candidates gets to probe about the job, company, and management style. A Reddit user posed this question:  “Employers of Reddit, what’s the most memorable ‘Do you have any questions’ question you’ve received in an...

12 Psychological Tricks to Make People Like You Straight Away

Now, I’m not much for caring whether or not people like me (in general), but there are certainly situations in which being liked can work to your advantage. If you find yourself in those tough spots where making a good first impression could win you business, potential accounts, or that position on the PTA you’re...

The Dutch Concept “Niksen”: The Act of Doing Absolutely Nothing

I’m a constant go-getter. My brain never stops thinking, my feet never stop moving, and my need to sate my curiosity is always thriving. It is an integral part of my internal monologue. So recently when I bottomed out from severe stress, anxiety, and depression, I was left with the frightening thought of “stillness.” It...

Why Equating Beef with Manliness Is Problematic

If you were a fan of Seinfeld, you’ll know that even as recently the 90s, not eating meat was considered effeminate. There’s an entire episode centered around Jerry dating a woman with “man hands” who makes fun of him for ordering “just a salad” on their first date. She ends it for good when she...

This is How Successful People Spend Their Last Hour at Work

For many folks, the last hour of the workday is the most difficult part. You’re tired, your brain is unfocused, and you’re basically just counting down the minutes until you can finally clock out. But Reader’s Digest reports that — surprise! — that’s not how successful folks spend the last hour of their workday. As you might...

Research Study Finds That Cats Are Just As Loyal As Dogs

Dog people versus cat people arguments have been around a long time. Dog people love that pups are super loyal, always waiting by the door for their arrival, and never leaving their side. While kitty owners may feel the same way about their pets, cats’ loyalty has always been a little bit…questionable. Not any more!...

Take a Break from Your Daily Routine and Enjoy These 10 Interesting Facts

The daily grind. Workin’ 9 to 5…or later. No matter what your work schedule entails, sometimes you just need a break. Am I right or am I right? Yes, I’m right. That’s why you need to take a short break, push your work to the side, and enjoy these 10 facts. That way, you’ll at...