Good Luck Solving These 4 Fun Riddles
Depending on how you felt about math in school, that could be a good thing or a bad thing – but either way, these riddles will get those brain juices flowing! #4. Eight eights. #3. Fathers and sons. #2. Shipping boxes. #1. Ages and stages. Continue reading for your answers!
Are You as Competent as You Were in High School? Solve These 4 Math Riddles to Prove It!
You might think these 4 math problems will be a breeze, but tackle them first before making up your mind! #4. Can you solve for ? #3. Three Doors. #2. Good results. #1. Tricky Ones. Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers!
See if You Can Solve These 6 Challenging Riddles
If you’re looking for a way to pass some time and brighten your day, try these 6 riddles on for size! #6. Across the pond. #5. Only 4. #4. Point A to Point B. #3. A man with a wooden leg. #2. Coming in second. #1. A sheep farmer. Continue reading to check your answers!...
5 Riddles That Aren’t As Easy As They Seem
They might look simple at first glance, but you’ll have to put on your thinking cap to solve all 5 of these riddles! #5. Five games of checkers. #4. A laboring toad. #3. A horse on a chain. #2. A furry cat. #1. A barrel missing something. Continue reading to see how many you got...
These 5 Riddles Are Simple Child’s Play…Or Are They?
They might look simple at first glance, but these 5 riddles will really get you thinking! #5. Not magnified. #4. Mirror images. #3. The center… #2. Always. #1. A single letter. Continue reading for the answers!
6 Riddles to Kick off Your Day the Right Way
Or, if you’re reading at night, finish things off with some flair – either way, these 6 riddles are going to make your day/night! #6. I had a little pear tree… #5. The animals on the ark. #4. Neither straight nor crooked. #3. A lady’s fingers never tell. #2. Old money. #1. They’re never...
Can You Solve These 5 Deceptively-Simple Brain Teasers?
You might think these questions look simple, but they’re harder than they look – can you solve all 5? #5. A half and a third. #4. Double the value. #3. Half of 12. #2. A tail of eats. #1. All of my ties. Continue reading to check your answers!
Solve These 6 Tricky Riddles to Prove You’ve Still Got It
If you’re feeling like you’re losing your edge, never fear – these 6 tricky riddles will sharpen you right up! #6. Not so simple. (all answers are on the next page) #5. A good sale. #4. A confusing riddle. #3. An evening at the theater. #2. See a penny, pick it up. #1. Unique to...