18 People Share The One Useless Fact They Think Everyone Should Know
We deal in facts here; whether or not you deem most of them “useless” is up to you. Most facts aren’t technically relevant to every day life, but we love them anyway! These 18 people were asked to provide their favorite useless fact, and honestly, they really delivered. Let’s dive in! 18. Just ask Baloo...
14 Things People Cannot Believe Are Still Things In 2021
When you look around at all of the modern marvels we get to use on a daily basis, it can be hard to believe some antiquated ways of the past still exist – like actually being expected to talk on the phone, for example. These 14 people have more examples, and I’ve gotta say…things things need to...
People Share the Most Unforgettable Stories They’ve Found Online
I’m going to give you a fair warning here, because “unforgettable” can mean a ton of different things, and these 6 posts are going to rum the entire gamut of your feelings. If you’re prepared to be thrilled, horrified, terrified, and completely agape in turn, then you’re ready to dive into these 6 people’s most...
People Share the Amazing Internet Stories They’ll Never Forget
Some people spend hours and days surfing the internet, hoping to find encouragement or laughter or just something to fill the time. Most of the time we have varying levels of success, but sometimes we absolutely hit the jackpot. Now, the jackpot might not be what you expected, and it might not even be pleasant,...
12 People Admit the Legal Things They’re Addicted To
Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s good for you. I’m talking about fast food, booze, vaping, the list is endless when you think about it… Everything in moderation, you know? But that’s not how most people roll. Folks on AskReddit admitted what legal things they’re addicted to. Let’s see what they had to say....
What Legal Thing Are You Addicted To? Here’s What People Had to Say.
Man, I think I have too many to name… Coffee, pizza, tacos, unsweetened iced tea (I live in the South so I have to be very clear about that…). Yes, they’re legal, but I probably overdo it with those items… What legal thing are you addicted to? AskReddit users went on the record and spilled...
15 People Pose Questions That Are Hard for People to Answer
We’ve all got those burning questions, the ones that we’ve had for a long time that no one can really answer. Maybe we just don’t know the right people? If that’s all it takes, why not pose those questions to Reddit, because obviously the people there know everything! I’m being cheeky, but these 15 people...
17 People Share the One Question No One Has Ever Been Able to Answer Sufficiently
We’ve all got questions. It’s human nature to look around us at the world and the people in it and want to know more – and some of us even get up the nerve to ask those questions, too. It can be frustrating, then, to ask more than once, to people who should have good...