
Counseling Is Available for Fans Upset After the ‘Game of Thrones’ Finale


I can empathize with the struggles these people are going through. I had to go through two years of counseling when Mr. Belvedere went off the air.

I kid, I kid, but it is a major bummer when your favorite show goes off the air. You grow attached to the characters, and they kind of feel like family members in a weird way. And then, poof, it’s all over.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past eight years, you know that pretty much the whole universe is obsessed with HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones. And since the show just aired its series finale, people are, shall we say, a bit depressed. Actually, it’s more like totally despondent.

But here’s a bit of good news. If you need someone to talk to, you can visit Bark.com to find a counselor to help you deal with your Game of Thrones-inspired grief. The company describes their service this way: “The professionals will help them digest their feelings and interpretation of the show, which could range from anger and confusion to sadness and grief.”

One of the counselors from Bark.com added, “We watch them to escape our daily lives and immerse ourselves into the ‘unknown. This is the very reason why we sometimes become addicted to watching them, the stories they tell become part of our identity.”

The therapy sessions can be booked for 30 or 60-minute blocks and range from $25 to $51 (which is pretty cheap for therapy, I think?). The options include face-to-face counseling, group sessions, or online.

I wish you luck in your recovery, my friends…