
Creative Dad Builds a ‘Bi-Chair’ for His Bisexual Daughter

©Facebook,Israel Walker

“The Bi-Chair: Designed for people who can’t sit straight.” A Brazilian artist named Má Matiazi shared a sketch for a “Bi-Chair” with that little phrase doodled on it on Instagram, and people took notice.


It’s become a running joke on social media that bisexual people don’t know how to sit properly, so much so that it’s even become a meme.


After Matiazi shared her sketch, an Iowa man named Israel Walker decided to reach out to the artist to see if he could attempt to make her vision into a reality. Walker has a bisexual, nonbinary daughter, which is how he learned about the whole “bisexual sitting” thing (stereotype? Is this real? I don’t know).

Matiazi gave Walker her blessing and away he went! And the result: Israel Walker nailed it. Perfection!

Walker’s Facebook post read, “My daughter (who identifies as bisexual genderfuck) thinks that her and other LGBTQ+ folks inability to sit “normally” is hilarious. So I asked Má if I could make my own rough style of Bi-Chair and she said yes! So behold in all its glory: the Bi-chair!”

And the photo of Walker’s daughter lounging in the chair says it all.

Of course, the builder himself had to take it for a spin as well.

Walker made a few alterations to Matiazi’s original design: the chair has shorter arms, the knee rest is a cutout instead of a sloping piece of material, but Walker obviously did a great job. I think he needs to patent this baby now before IKEA swoops in and takes over the Bi-Chair market.