The final episode of The Flintstones aired in 1966, but the show has lived on throughout the years in syndication and also that live-action film from the 1990s. I know – I grew up on it. That’s why I was pleasantly surprised to learn about an abandoned Flintstones theme park in Arizona.
I mean, abandoned theme parks are awesome – so an abandoned Flintstones theme park is obviously doubly awesome.
The park has been around since 1972 and is located in Williams, Arizona, 30-minutes from the Grand Canyon. That year, a couple named Linda and Francis Speckels bought 6 acres of land and turned it into a Flintstones tourist attraction.
There are replica stone houses in “Bedrock City” like the ones the Flintstones and the Rubbles lived in, a large metal “brontosaurus” slide, and statues of characters from the show. Live actors used to be on the grounds, but sadly that’s not the case anymore.
The property is actually for sale for a cool $2 million. Take a look at these photos and tell me you’re not going to stop by this place next time you happen to be driving through Arizona. I know I will.
h/t: Mental Floss