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The author of the Instagram account Snide Octopus has both perfect timing and comedic pitch – not something to be taken lightly in the internet age. And he’s using his gifts in all of the right ways with these short, pithy subtitles to popular books.
These are hilarious. End of story.
#15. Bwaahahaha YEAH MOM.
#14. Yeah, why do we need a whole book for this?
#13. Pioneering.
#12. *dies*
#10. And Leo DiCaprio is like 1 degree of separation from both…
#9. A memoir?
#8. This made me snort.
#7. Yes let’s just get right to it!
#6. Preach.
#5. My dog concurs.
#4. Amen.
#3. Perfection.
#2. Pop culture reference FTW.
#1. Bam.
h/t: Bored Panda
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