Is there anything more soothing than going to a party you really don’t want to be at and finding a dog to hang out with and pet the whole time?

Photo Credit: Pixabay
The answer is yes, lots of things. There’s no debating this issue. But in case you do want to experience that feeling of acute relief (a-cute, get it?), a designer named Will Herring created a video game called ‘Pet the Pup at the Party’ to virtually satisfy our needs, so we don’t have to leave the house.

Photo Credit: Twitter, Reposefultube
The game is simple: find as many dogs as you can at a party in two minutes, and completely ignore all humans. Sounds like the perfect existence to this guy. The game’s description is, “You are at a house party. You do not know anybody. But legend tells of a ~very good puppo~ hiding somewhere in this house! The clock is ticking and you’re running out of small talk … Can you find the pup at the party??”

Photo Credit: Facebook, Tap2Tag Pets
When you’re playing the first-person game, follow the barks throughout the house and rack up as many pooches as you can handle. Download the game for whatever you price you want HERE. Good boy!

Photo Credit: Facebook, Hylian Knight, Ashei
h/t: Mental Floss