It’s no secret that in any sort of public-facing job, there are plenty of people who make the days long (and sometimes miserable). Some of them are demanding, some are rude and mean, and far too many are completely entitled and expect way too much from whatever experience they’ve paid for.
Staff is trained and accustomed to handling them, and there are managers there for backup, but it sure is nice when other customers call out bullies when they see them, too.
That’s exactly what happened here, when a random dude saw a problem and decided to don a fake manager’s cap to deal with it himself.
OP had a tough morning, attending a funeral of a friend lost too soon, in a time where it doesn’t feel as if anyone is getting to mourn properly.
So, he was ripe for a fight.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
He found it almost immediately upon entering the grocery store (still in his suit), in the form of a customer totally berating an employee in the booze aisle.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
The customer was not only being rude about his issue with the store, but was belittling the employee personally, making fun of his name and his body and insulting large numbers of strangers in the process.
Your basic d%ck.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
OP swooped in and escorted the jerk away, implying they would “sort something out” while leaving his cart behind.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
OP pretends to be sympathetic, asking what would make the customer happy. The customer, of course, attempts to take advantage of the situation.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
If OP had any doubts, I am sure they were erased when this a$shole doubled down on his f*ckery.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
He told the jerk he was being banned, that what he’d said inside constituted hate speech (in addition to being plain mean) and that if he ever showed his face there again he would be filing a police report.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
When the man tried to deny his behavior and speech, OP mentioned the security guards and the cameras.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
He sent him on his way, never breaking character.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
Not all heroes wear capes.

Image Credit: Cheezburger
If you’re in public and see someone being mistreated, be like this guy.
He’s basically Batman.