Have you ever sent an embarrassing photo to an ex or accidentally put a message in the wrong Facebook chat that you later regretted? If you answered yes (and who hasn’t?), Facebook is rolling out your safety net.
Coming soon to a Facebook messenger app near you, users will be able to delete messages within a 10 minute period.

Photo Credit: Facebook.com
Matt Navarra became an overnight tech hero for many of us trigger-happy users when he tweeted about the update.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @MattNavarra
If you’re familiar with WhatsApp and Instagram (both Facebook-owned) this “delete” feature has existed for a while. But it’s a first for Facebook. Except apparently, the Zuck has been able to do this on his device since April 2018. Wonder what messages he deletes? Hmmm…
And what about the time limit of 10 minutes? While it may not seem like a long time, in the world of social media that is actually kind of an eternity.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @Hardly_Helpless
Facebook has not announced the date of the rollout, although it’s been in the works since early 2018. In the meantime, please message safely and don’t send anything your mother wouldn’t approve of.