
Forget Disney World – Panda Daycare Might Actually Be the Happiest Place on Earth

Image Credit: Panda.org

Did you know that it’s super hard to coax baby pandas into the world? In news that makes me extremely jealous, it turns out that female pandas will only breed for 2-3 days every year, and only give birth to a single cub every other year.

Yeah. They’ve got a sweet deal worked out with their guys, if you ask me.

Image Credit: Panda.org

Back to the promised cute and happy, though – The Chengdu Research Base.

Image Credit: Panda.org

With a specialized breeding center and nursery working overtime, the Chinese facility is integral to the survival of the giant panda.

Image Credit: Panda.org

None of us, I’m sure, want to live in a world without this adorable, playful species but we’re coming way too close.

Image Credit: Panda.org

Image Credit: Panda.org

The wild population may be as low as 1864.

Image Credit: Panda.org

I don’t know if this place is hiring or what I need to lie about on my resume to get the job, but I’m ready and willing.

Image Credit: Panda.org

Because Mickey and Minnie got nothing on these babies,