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Use it or lose it. I’m talking about your brain, people.
It’s very important to keep studying and keep learning about new things because that thing rattling around inside your head needs to be stimulated!
Trust me on this one, okay?
Let’s look at 10 great facts that’ll get you started on your journey to even more enlightenment.
1. From the old days.
Tsunamis have wreaked havoc for centuries.
2. Not a mosquito in sight.
That sounds like paradise!
3. Didn’t happen.
I’m pretty surprised by this fact.
4. The man did it all.
And the caption should still be taken to heart today…
5. That’s a lot of blood.
Isn’t the body fascinating?!?!
6. A big fan.
If you don’t like Weird Al, we can’t be friends.
7. Grimalkin.
Does this describe your cat?
8. Imagine that.
That is pretty incredible when you think about it!
9. Artists, right…?
He was a bit of a loose cannon.
10. What you’re made of.
You come from places far beyond…
Now that’s a good brain workout!
What have you been researching or studying lately?
Tell us all about it in the comments!
We want to explore some new subjects!