
Guys, Here Are 9 Tips All Women Know for Healthy, Glowing Skin

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When I was younger, I didn’t really pay much attention to my skin. After all, I’m a guy. My complexion was mostly clear, and I didn’t have very many, if any, pimples at all.

Basically, I was a) very lucky and b) completely ignorant of my largest organ.

Yeah, that’s right… I didn’t even know my skin was an organ. I had no idea that its average weight is 8 pounds and it can cover 22 square feet. So it’s not much of a surprise that I didn’t take better care of it. But now that I do know… why don’t I take better care of it?

Because I’m a guy, pretty much. I just don’t pay attention to these things. And society doesn’t really put much pressure on us to make sure our skin stays happy and healthy.

But society puts plenty of pressure on all the ladies out there to make sure their skin is practically perfect. Which means they know what’s going on when it comes to their skin. And the following 9 tips they’ve been using for years will give you that glow up you deserve.

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1. Wash. Your. Face. Preferably with a cleanser before bed. That’ll get rid of bacteria and oil from your pores that can cause blemishes.

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2. Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize. Every day with a lotion or cream. Because your skin needs moisture. Especially as you grow older.

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3. Aloe vera gel is your friend if you want to avoid wrinkles. Specifically under your eyes and around your mouth. Three times a week before bed.

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4. Don’t neglect the rest of your skin. Exfoliate your entire body with a glove and a sugar scrub to remove dead skin cells.

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5. Don’t forget the sunscreen. UV rays cause wrinkling, age spots and skin cancer. Melanoma is no joke.

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6. Drink LOTS of water. If you’re hydrated, your skin function as it should. If you’re dehydrated, skin loses its elasticity and you’re more prone to infections and blemishes.

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7. Get lots of exercise. At least 30 minutes a day 4 times a week. Workouts boost metabolism, and that stimulates your skin’s renewal process.

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8. Sleep at least 8 hours a night. Yeah, this again. But it’s true! When you sleep enough, your skin regains elasticity and firmness. And it helps a lot of other things, so put down your phone and go to be already!

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9. Heard of biotin? Because you need some. It’s a vitamin that helps with cell regeneration, which makes skin and nails grow faster. Take one capsule every morning. And drink water with it because it’s a water-soluble vitamin.

Alright guys, those are the tips! Do all of them and you should notice a significant difference. It might take a few months, though, so be patient. Because you’re worth it!