
Posts by Justin Gardner

There’s No License Required To Drive This Flying Car

Anyone over the age of 35 will tell you that we’ve been promised that flying cars are coming soon for basically our entire lives. They’ve been featured in television shows and movies, making all of us believe that one day, we’d be able to zip to work or the game or a jaunt to the...

12 Ladies Share the First Dates They’d Like to Forget… But Can’t

So… guys… what exactly do you think you’re doing to the ladies out there? Because the first dates that these women are describing sound NUTS. What in the what in the WHAT?! The twitter thread started off with a simple question… Ladies: tell me your worst date. — wanderlust (@_ItsMissBre) August 23, 2018 And lo...

Frugal People Share the Tips How They Save a Lot of Money

Do you like to save money? Yeah you do! Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this, right? It’s time to spend less and save more with these frugal tips from AskReddit users who know how to save some serious dough. Let’s take a look! 1. Make it at home. “Brew your own coffee. If you live...

Daughter Calls Out Her Dad and His Wife for a Double Standard. Was She Wrong?

Don’t double standards drive you nuts? Well if they don’t, then they should… Take a look at this story and see if you think this teenager is wrong for calling out her father and his wife. We’ll see you in the comments! AITA for calling out a double standard from my dad and his wife...

People Share The Folks Who They Think Should Be In Jail

In the whole history of the world, my guess is that there are way too many people who have gotten away with m**der or some other terrible crime that should have landed them in jail. It can certainly be irritating (at best), though, when the entire world seems to realize that wrongs have been done...

Is It Okay To Fake Incompetence So You’re Not Asked To Do A Task Again?

Many moons ago, when I was still a young pup, my father thought it would be a good idea to teach me how to mow the yard. Now, I was a teenager. I didn’t want to mow the yard; I wanted to sit in front of the television or with my book all summer long. So,...

20 People Share True Stories of Fooling Around on the Down Low With Neighbors

It sounds like something from a…erm…adult film. The new neighbor stops by to say hello. Oh, I’m sorry, I’m just in a towel, I wasn’t expecting anyone. “No,” she says, twirling her hair in her finger and closing the door behind her. “The towell is just fine. Why don’t you show me around.” A bass-heavy...

36 People Share the Really Stupid Lies That People Actually Believed

I remember the dumbest lie I ever believed when I was growing up. A kid in my neighborhood had a whole group of us mesmerized one day at the bus stop telling us his epic story…the night before, he had actually seen THE FREAKIN’ EASTER BUNNY hop out of his house. Yes, the night before...

22 People Share the Rumors at School That Turned Out to Be 100% True

I’m having a hard time pinpointing one BIG rumor that captured everyone’s attention when I was in school, but I think it had something to do with a girl in my class getting pregnant and having to leave school due to her parents’ shame. And I honestly can’t remember if that was true or maybe...

24 Hilarious Posts to Put a Smile On Your Face

Memes are perfect for almost any occasion, if we’re being honest, but finding the really good ones amid the stacks of mediocre offerings can be rough. Luckily, there are people like us out there mining the depths, ready and willing to offer up the goods! We think these 24 memes fit any bill, and they’re...

People Share the Valuable Lessons They Learned From Falling in Love Early

You ever hear that saying, “Everything happens for a reason?” Yeah… do they though? Don’t things just happen because they happen? Of course there’s a REASON… but it doesn’t pertain to your life. Usually. I’m more sympathetic to the “silver lining” philosophy, though. That being that even in the worst of circumstances, there’s something that...

12 Driving Memes for Everyone With a Little Bit of Road Rage

Hey… do you drive? If you live ANYWHERE but New York, the answer is very like, “Yeah, and I hate it.” You know, I don’t blame you. Especially if you live in a city like LA or Dallas where the traffic is INSANE. How do people sit in traffic for hours? How do you not...

People Share the “Let That Sink In” Facts That Are Difficult to Believe

Do you want to know ALL the info? Well, that’s impossible, but today we’ve got 14 crazy facts to wrap your head around. Let’s take a look! 1. Kaboom #2! It took humanity approximately 4 times longer to switch from copper swords to steel swords than it took to switch from steel swords to nuclear...

These Tweets Are Peak 2020 and We’re All Laughing

If I had any wishes for 2020, it would be that it never gets mentioned in polite conversation again. And yet… I know that’s not realistic. I know we’ll be talking about 2020 for DECADES to come. And we’ll be going over how awful and crazy this year was again and again and again. So,...

13 Hilarious Tweets That Make 2020 Seem More Bearable

Is there anywhere better than Twitter to find all of the funniest thoughts on the internets? No, there’s not. Enjoy these hilarious tweets that we found especially for you! 1. You’re doing it wrong. But also kind of right. Seems like quarantine is treating them well, yeah? https://twitter.com/tdwightdavis/status/1297980854099156994 2. Love that chicken from Popeye’s! I...