
Gwendoline Christie’s GoT Emmy Nomination Reminds Us to Be Our Own Cheerleader

Photo Credit: Twitter

Regardless of your opinion of Game of Thrones’ last season (and we all have one), everyone can rally around one fact: that Brienne of Tarth, played by Gwendoline Christie, is freaking awesome.

So awesome, that I would have assumed HBO would have submitted her for an Emmy.

But for some reason, they didn’t, so Christie decided to submit herself.

And look what happened:


She was nominated. Writer Julie DiCaro tweeted out how incredible this was:


Fans were shocked that HBO didn’t submit her.

Why wouldn’t HBO submit her? It seems it all comes down to politics:

The more actors they nominate, the fewer votes each actor will get. Christie wasn’t the only actor who didn’t get nominated:


I still think it’s crime that HBO didn’t submit Christie, but at least it turned out well.

No, thank you!