#10. Clever enough for points.
#9. Simple and elegant. Well crafted.
Papers Boy #StonerVideoGames @midnight
— Jordan Power (@RealSuperPower) March 11, 2016
#8. Funny AND it makes sense. Win!
@midnight #StonerVideoGames Grass Effect
— Kevin (@glidebyknight) March 11, 2016
#7. I feel like this was personal.
Borderlands: Can’t Go To The Next Area Because KurplePush420 Is Blazing Up In The Inventory Screen Again Edition #StonerVideoGames @midnight
— Kylo Ren & Stimpy ☠ (@Doomstein) March 11, 2016
#6. This just made me snort.
Super Mario Brahs#StonerVideoGames@midnight
— a total pleb (@PlebianPictures) March 11, 2016