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The “Suicide Forest,” also called the Sea of Trees, is located in Aokigahara, Japan – and beneath it lies a network of underground caves formed ages ago through their connection with nearby Mount Fuji. One of the largest and prettiest sits just on the edge of the forest and is called the Narusawa Hyoketsu, or Ice Cave.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Naveed Ahmed Chaudhry

Photo Credit: Instagram, mztn_ryt
You can take a set of stairs that leads down into the 70 foot cavern, covered year round in crystal clear ice. Some of the icicles have grown up to 3 feet long and the ice catches the light and changes colors in a stunning, otherworldly display.

Photo Credit: Instagram, miwa_f
This amazing space, designated a Natural Monument of Japan, is definitely worth a visit.
h/t: Atlas Obscura
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