Everyone’s situation is different, but I don’t think I’d ever be able to pick a woman over my family.
But that’s just me…
And, as they say, love is blind…so you never know what the hell people are gonna do, right?
Take a look at this story and see if you think this guy is wrong for choosing his lady over his family…
AITA for choosing my girlfriend over my family?
“My girlfriend, is sweet, funny, beautiful, and personable.
We’ve been together 8 months and I couldn’t be happier. She moved into my apartment this summer and it’s been bliss, except for when my parents call with their ” concerns”. The 3 things they harp on is that she’s unemployed, didn’t go to college, and that she, as they see it, lacks motivation.
The unemployment thing doesn’t bother me because I can support both of us and I’d hate for her to be at some job that makes her miserable just so she can say she works.
They used to call for the sole purpose of pestering me, asking me what she did all day. I told them I wasn’t worried about that. Fact of the matter is, she loves to cook, so, there’ll be days where her day is shopping, meal prep, and cooking. Of course, there are also her ” lazy days” as she calls it, where she wakes up at noon and just chills.
My parents found my lax attitude towards her lifestyle so upsetting to them, they told me they ” can’t do it” anymore, and basically made me choose between her and them. I chose her. She makes me happy and, if 8 months has taught me anything, its that my parents can be annoyingly petty.
They viewed the situation as me having rose tinted glasses for a pretty girl who offers nothing in the relationship.”
And here’s how people reacted on Reddit.
This person said that this guy isn’t an a**hole but it’s pretty clear this girl is using him.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another reader said that this honeymoon phase is gonna wear off and he’ll be back at his parents’ place in no time.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another individual had a similar story…and they shared how it ended up.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this Reddit user had some questions about this girl and the whole situation…inquiring minds want to know…

Photo Credit: Reddit
What do you think about what this guy is doing?
Let us know in the comments.
Thanks a bunch!