
He Tricked His Partner Into Eating a Vegan Meal. Is He a Jerk?

Here we go again with the battle of vegans versus non-vegans!

And this one sounds ugly, my friends…

But did this guy go too far?

Check out his story and see what you think.

AITA for tricking my partner into eating a vegan meal?

“So, here’s the deal: I (M43) have been vegan for about a year now and my husband (M48) is a meat-and-potatoes kind of person. He loves his steak and bacon and generally isn’t too interested in trying vegan options.

However, I’ve been trying to get him to at least consider eating more plant-based meals for the sake of his health. I get worried for him sometimes because he is very fat and his BMI is also quite high. I’ve been trying to cook healthy meals for him, encouraging him to exercise, and getting creative with the dishes I make, but my partner just doesn’t seem interested.

That’s why, last Saturday night, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I made a delicious vegan lasagna for dinner, not mentioning to my partner that it was completely plant-based. To my surprise, my partner loved the lasagna and even asked for seconds.

It wasn’t until after dinner that I let it slip that the dish was vegan and my partner was less than pleased. I defended my decision by telling them that I’ve been worried for their health and want them to get skinnier and be better, but my partner said it was very immature of me and I could have talked to him directly.


Now let’s see what Reddit users had to say.

One person made a good point about health and vegan food.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this reader said he’s NTA but his partner needs to go see a dietician.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual said he’s NTA and that his partner should have connected the dots on this one.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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