
A Honey Badger Named Stoffel Is The Animal Kingdom’s Greatest Escape Artist

Photo Credit: Did You Know

Meet Stoffel the honey badger.

You wouldn’t guess it, but this little guy is the animal reincarnation of Harry Houdini.

It all started when Stoffel got mauled by a lion. Honey badgers are tough, but Stoffel came out of that fight in pretty bad shape.

So his caretaker, Brian Jones, built him a new cage to keep him safe. Jones even got Stoffel a girlfriend to work off some steam.

But Stoffel had other ideas.

Even though the employees at Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre in South Africa locked the gate and secured it with wire…

Stoffel taught his girlfriend to not only open up the first lock, but climb up to the second lock, push that pesky wire off and open it up!

The great escape was on!

Needless to say, Jones has an incredible amount of respect for these two.

That’s why he built Stoffel and his gal pal a honey badger Alcatraz.

Guess what?

It didn’t work.

So Jones cut away all the trees except for those in the middle.

Guess what?

It didn’t work.

The badgers dug up rocks, rolled them over to wall and stacked them so they could reach the top of the wall.

Jones took the rocks away and thought he had finally beaten Stoffel.


Stoffel and his lady friend made mud balls and piled them up.

See ya!

Pro tip: if a badger is making mud balls to escape, don’t leave your rake around.

Or your shovel. Or any old tires.

The moral to the story?

You can’t keep good honey badgers down.

Or in a cage.

Check out the full video. It’s hilarious.

SOURCES: EarthTouch News, YouTube, Daily Liked

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