I realize that plastic surgery is pretty common these days, but this guy has maybe taken things just a little too far in that department. Meet Rodrigo Alves.

Photo Credit: Instagram, rodrigoalvesuk
He’s called the “Human Ken Doll” because of how much plastic surgery he’s had. The 34-year-old Alves has spent a whopping $700,000 on dozens of cosmetic procedures.

Photo Credit: Instagram, rodrigoalvesuk
Alves recently appeared on a British talk show to discuss his 60th operation: the removal of four of his ribs so he can have a 20-inch waist. Alves said he had the surgery because he wants to “express myself through fashion. My blazers have to be altered. I had to always have a bigger blazer and get it altered. I had four ribs removed so that I can do up my blazers without having to breathe in or have my blazers altered.”

Photo Credit: Instagram, rodrigoalvesuk
People on Twitter shared their thoughts on the bizarre and fascinating story.

Photo Credit: Twitter, mrsouzet

Photo Credit: Twitter, asmodeusasmodeu

Photo Credit: Twitter, kaaiiru

Photo Credit: Twitter, Morganmoo38dd
What do you think? Watch the video of Alves on the talk show discussing his “journey.”
h/t: Pizza Bottle