For vacationing civilians looking to drive, shoot and handle real war machines, a south Texas ranch is the only destination to consider. Around 100 miles west of San Antonio, a post on an 18,000 acre ranch allows holiday-makers to handle tanks through courses or over old vehicles. Other activities at DriveTanks, include shooting mortars and firing machine guns.

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Former active duty Green Beret and Houston police officer Todd Digidio conceived the idea of providing tanks and guns for the unique experience of operating them as they were originally designed.
His collection includes American, Russian and German tanks, anti-tank guns, mortars and machine guns from every period and country.

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After a little training, participants are set to satisfy all their adrenaline-junkie desires – perhaps a drive and shoot on the 1944 Sherman tank, the same model featured in the Brad Pitt film Fury. The one at DriveTanks is the only fully operational Sherman E8 left in the world.

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Fun this powerful comes with a price tag. Set-up and shoot one of the big guns, like a U.S. 105 mm Howitzer from WWII, for a few hundred dollars. Fire some rounds on the machine gun of your choice for about the same. Or go whole hog with a tank and track package that will set you back about $3000. All-inclusive lodging is available on site too.
Guests have said having access to all this incredible firepower is better than any roller coaster. So, if you’re burned out on crowded amusement parks and boring beaches, get in touch with these guys about a day crushing cars on a Chieftan MK6 tank. All ages welcome.

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Because the best RNR is smoke in the air and dirt in your hair.