
Is He Wrong for Making His 12-Year-Old Son Take Care of His Younger Brother for a Week? People Responded.

It’s life lesson time!

And today it comes to us from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page!

But now you need to let us know if you think this dad went too far.

Read his story and see what you think!

AITA for making my 12 year old son take care of himself and his his ten year old brother for a week?

“I came home about a month ago and caught my son yelling at his mom about his clothes. He was asking her how hard it was to make sure his clothes were cleaned.

I took him to the laundry room and made him do laundry for the family. I taught him what clothes could go together and what should not.

My wife is a teacher and she works her a** off to make sure we have a nice home to live in. She tells me what she needs me to do and I take care of it. Beyond my share of the housework I mean.

Well my kid needs to be punished and I thought of the best possible way to do it. I’m sending my wife to Mexico with her school friends over spring break. I’m going to work from home that week and keep an eye on the kids.

It won’t be difficult because I’m putting the older one in charge of the younger one. He will be doing laundry, making breakfast and lunch for both of them and making sure the kitchen and dining room stay clean.

He said it’s unfair to make him work over spring break. I asked him if he thought it was a full time job to do all that I was expecting of him. He said yes it was a full time job. I pointed out that his mother and I both have full time jobs and still manage to do everything that he is whining about.

He called my mom to see if he could stay there for spring break. She tried to tell me I was being cruel to her poor baby. I asked her what exactly her and my father would have done to me if I had yelled at her for not doing my laundry?

She said that it was a different time. I said he could stay with her if she was willing to tell him, in front of me, all the punishment I endured when I lived at home.

She said he could not stay there.”

And here’s how folks reacted on Reddit.

One person said he’s NTA and he needs to find out where his son learned this behavior.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said that there might be a much deeper issue with his son.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said this guy is doing a great job.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

Let us know in the comments.

Thanks a lot!