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Why, oh why, can’t people let other people enjoy their birthdays?
These kinds of articles seem to come up on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” quite a bit and they make you sit back and scratch your head…because it’s all very confusing.
Take a look at this story and see if you think this woman was out of line…on her birthday…about her cake.
AITA for wanting my favorite flavor of cake for my birthday?
“I’m turning 22 in a few days and I have been asked what cake I would like.
I wasn’t expecting any cake because I’m an adult now and I have a 1 month old son, so I haven’t put much thought into it. But I naturally answered that I wanted a red velvet cake because it was my absolute favorite and I don’t get to eat it but like once in 5 years because I just don’t think about it much. I don’t eat sweets much (not counting pregnancy) so I was thinking, why not?
Then I was given a lecture that I’m not the only one eating cake so I should get a flavor that everyone can enjoy. I understood this so I said why not get a vanilla or chocolate cake for everyone and then I can get a small 1st birthday type red velvet for me then.
Then I was given a lecture about appearing selfish to the guests. And when I didn’t want to back down and give up the red velvet cake I was accused of being an A-hole.
I don’t feel like I’m the A-hole here but I want to find out the truth. If I am the A-hole then I’ll apologize and surrender the flavor I want and just have cake by myself a few days later or something.”
Here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.
One reader said she’s NTA and said they don’t know who on Earth would do this.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And another individual said they were going to have an issue with whatever flavor she said she wanted.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this Reddit user agreed and said there’s no way she could win in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit
What do you think about this story?
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