Autumn is officially here, and if you’re someone who loves crisp temperatures, brilliant leaves, hot cider, and sweaters, you’re also probably included in the 46% of people who carved and put out pumpkins in 2017.
If this sounds like you, and last year you went with the standard triangle eyes, nose, and half-toothless mouth, these 14 designs might inspire you to up your game in 2018.
#13. Peek!
Whether this is guy is underwater or space, he’s pretty freaky.
#12. That’s one big pumpkin.
And completely terrifying.
#11. Those are some impressive hands!
…And teeth and eyes and entire face.
#10. Brainnnsssssss.
What kind of pumpkin is that??
#9. I’m not going to be okay until I know how they did this.
Seriously, that’s foam and not a real pumpkin, right?
#8. Bet you never thought of carving the butt.
But look what you get when you do…a sweet granny pumpkin!
#7. This one looks like something the Ghostbusters would blast.
…Or it might blast them with whatever’s in its mouth!
#6. Let me answer your question: yes, this is just one pumpkin.
And no, he doesn’t need to explain his life choices to you.
#5. If only it were that easy to smash Vader.
“Luke, I am your pumpkin.”
#4. Poor little pumpkin.
Yeah, I’m not okay with this one.
#3. He doesn’t want to be a scary pumpkin.
#2. I think the teeth are the most impressive part.
But more importantly, why is he sewing a small pumpkin to his face?
#1. Yer a pumpkin, Harry.
Okay, that’s seriously adorable.
Get to carving, people, and maybe your pumpkin will show up on a list next year!