I’m not much of a prankster, myself. It’s not that I have an issue with practical jokez, per se (though some people can certainly get carried away and slide toward the mean end of the spectrum). It’s more that I’m a) not that creative in that way and b) am suppppppppeeerrrrrr duper lazy.
These people, though? They’re not. They threw down some serious prank investment, and, boy, did it pay off. Soak it up, people!
#14. When your cutlery is having more fun than you are.
Photo Credit: NBC
#13. At least you know your dad isn’t going to back down under pressure.
Photo Credit: NBC
#12. It seems like you have a lot of time on your hands…
Photo Credit: NBC
#11. This tickles me.
Photo Credit: NBC
#10. This is SO funny.
Photo Credit: NBC
#9. This requires a certain amount of familiarity with your mailman. I think.
Photo Credit: NBC
#8. Kids today: “What’s a Fraggle?”
Photo Credit: NBC
#7. And your mom would have no idea how to fix it, I’m sure.
Photo Credit: NBC
#6. Bahahahaha oh grandpa.
Photo Credit: NBC
#5. Anyone who uses Scope that often deserves what he gets.
Photo Credit: NBC
#4. Okay that’s funny.
Photo Credit: NBC
#3. It’s the last part that makes it great.
Photo Credit: NBC
#2. And you all got fired?
Photo Credit: NBC
#1. There’s no way your dad didn’t love that.
Photo Credit: NBC
If you love Fallon and his hashtag game, you’ve come to the right place!