
This Man’s Military Experience Changed His Views on Race Forever

Image Credit: Paramount

I’ve always thought that people who grow up with certain prejudices probably haven’t spent much time with persons who are different than themselves. Discrimination and prejudice are born and nurtured at home, after all, so maybe the only way to change that way of thinking is to step outside of your inner circle and meet people with different backgrounds, be it through traveling abroad or seeking out new experiences at home.

Well, that’s how enlightenment came about for one US soldier, when he made friends with a Mexican-American man in his Army unit. The story, told by that Hispanic soldier (Israel Parra) is one that will make you believe in the power of friendship. It might even help you believe that the world can change, one person at a time.

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Hate can be un-taught; all you need is an open mind. Spread the word!