
People Admit What Popular Things They Just Can’t Wrap Their Heads Around

I know my answer to this question!

Pearl Jam. Eddie Vedder seems like a really cool guy and I give that band all the credit in the world for keeping it going after all these years, but I really and truly don’t understand their popularity.

In fact, I tried to give their music another shot recently and it was the same old story for me…

But we all have things like that, right?

What popular thing can you just not wrap your head around? Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Here, here!

“Social Media Influencers or Social Media Celebrities.

Why they and their fans act like they are the next big thing.”

2. Pretty weird.

“Being a die hard fan of a politician.

Wearing their merch, writing about them all over social media, donating to their campaigns, displaying their bumper stickers, lawn signs, flags from buildings and vehicles.

For a rich old f*ck that doesn’t care about you.”

3. Now you’re in trouble.

“I have never understood the popularity of Star Wars.

I think the movie were fine movies but I don’t get why people treat them like the best movies of all time.”

4. Not a sports fan.

“I was born and raised in the USA.

I never understood people’s mainly and adults obsession with professional sports. I have been to baseball games, football, hockey, basketball, etc. And had a great time, beyond that I never had any interest with professional sports.

I would come Into work on a Monday morning and passively listen to two people debating yesterday’s big game, plays called, errors made, gains and losses so on, and I could never understand what drives people obsession with professional sports.”

5. I’m with you.

“This is pretty unpopular but Marvel films.

I just don’t understand the love for them. This isn’t like other things I dislike either, for example, I don’t like star wars but I can understand why others do (lightsabers are cool).

Marvel films, I do not for the life of me understand why someone would like them and I’ve tried. They do nothing for me, the films are so boring and predictable.

I can honestly say that Captain America was the worst film I’ve ever seen, it was just so generic, I was bored to tears. I’ve tried watching others but I can’t finish them.”

6. Kind of strange…

“Gender reveal parties

I’m fine with celebrating the pregnancy but, celebrating because they found out its a boy or a girl is unreasonable to me. Like they were gonna celebrate either way (for a girl or a boy). The reaction to the reveal party is gonna be the same every time, So whats the point.

Dont tell me they would be upset if they found out it wasn’t the gender they wanted, coz thats just heartless AF.”

7. What a drag.

“Drag queens and drag shows.

I’ve been to several drag shows and I’m always bored out of my mind. Are those costumes supposed to be s*xy for straight guys too? I always hear about women taking their straight husbands to shows and the husbands love it.

Yeah, not me. I don’t really enjoy the whole sassy stripper vibe they go for either – even if it was an actual woman doing it.

Everyone always looks at me like I’m a huge homophobe when I talk about this so I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut. It’s very frustrating because I love and support the LGBT+ community.

It’s not that I HATE drag shows I just find them boring. Though admittedly they also cause me some anxiety because I know I’ll have no idea what to do if I get singled out by the queen for a bit.

Also RuPaul’s Drag race is like the definition of a show I am not interested in. Not only because it’s drag queens but reality competition shows are so fake and boring.

My sister used to dominate the tv watching Next Top Model every weekend and I was bored to tears by that too.”

8. He has a bit of an ego.

“Kanye West.

Seriously, the guy is a womanizer and a creep, also has severe mental issues, but people treat him like a god and don’t want to tell him no.”

9. It’s kind of boring.

“American football.

It takes 3 hours to finish but actual play time merely 15 minutes.”

10. Two things.

“Cardi B. She’s gross.

Oh, and avocados.”

11. Definitely not for everyone.


I’ve watched alcohol addiction ruin the lives of 3 people in my family.

It’s literal poison.”

12. Them’s fightin’ words.

“People realize Country music is bad right?

Even if you’re a fan you realize it’s not good?

You’re not singing about tractors, muddy trucks, skies, and the literal dirt on your boots thinking it’s anything but ridiculous twangy garbage.”

13. Gone too far?

“Cancel culture.

It’s basically destroying someones reputation because of something they said or did in the past, likely when they weren’t as aware of offensive they were being.

It’s like having a life long grudge against your cousin because they did something that pissed you off when they were a small child.

You wouldn’t hate your cousin after all this time because they’ve likely grown from it and matured, so why cant that apply to people with a high reputation?”

14. Not getting it.

“Billie Eilish.

She’s a culmination of a lot of the growing trends of the decade. She blends the bedroom pop culture, the quiet and minimal sounds of of Lana Del Ray and Lorde, and this decade’s brand of dark and quirky.

She’s essentially what the decade was leading up too. Makes sense, though I’m not a fan.”

Okay, friends, now it’s your turn.

We want to know about things that are popular that totally confuse you.

Talk to us in the comments!