If you’ve ever used Facebook Marketplace to unload some of your unwanted junk for cash, you know how great it can be for making a quick buck. Don’t need that bookcase anymore? Post it and collect. Got an old couch just sitting around? Money in your pocket. Vintage home decor? Easy money.
One Imgur user decided to explore Facebook Marketplace another way: by looking for the weirdest, creepiest, grossest stuff for sale in his area, which appears to be the suburbs of Boston.

Photo Credit: Pexels
And he sure found some real gems.
This person is selling a real ball and chain (nope, not their wife, an actual, legitimate ball and chain):

Photo Credit: Yuyufan43
And this person decided it was time to finally part ways with his creepy clown collection:

Photo Credit: Yuyufan43
Speaking of creepy, a budding young artist is trying to make a living by posting his or her interesting doll art on Facebook:

Photo Credit: Yuyufan43
But wait, there’s more:

Photo Credit: Yuyufan43
Wonder if this could be worth something someday?

Photo Credit: Yuyufan43
Here’s one that’s sorta like a 3D storybook, I guess:

Photo Credit: Yuyufan43
Other sellers just wanted to share the, ahem, love:

Photo Credit: Yuyufan43
Can’t understand why this oil painting isn’t in a museum somewhere:

Photo Credit: Yuyufan43
And just in case you didn’t get enough creepy doll art earlier, there’s this artistic creation:

Photo Credit: Yuyufan43
Ah, well. You know what they say: don’t judge a book by its cover and never judge a man by what he’s trying to sell on Facebook Marketplace. You just never know what someone is up to in the privacy of their own home.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen posted on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist or Nextdoor? We’d love to hear about it!
Let us know in the comments!