Have you ever wondered what alien life forms might think of the planet Earth if they stumbled across her and found only remnants of life on her surface? Apparently quite a few people have.
In this latest meme trend, we imagine what aliens might picture if they had to reconstruct these 14 animals based only on their skulls. Of course the actual animal is often MUCH cuter than what we think aliens would imagine, which is half the fun!
1. Would you be able to picture this one just based on the skull?
I don’t think I would!

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
2. This skull is going to haunt my dreams
But the actual animals is so darn derpy!

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
3. Bahahaha
We’re so pretty.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
4. It’s a Cyclopes, right?
It’s hard to tell what this one is without the tusks!

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
5. Vicious, bloodthirsty creatures
Dangerous indeed.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
6. Pretty close!
I’ll keep my distance from both, thanks!

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
7. The most terrifying creature to ever walk the Earth:
Second to none.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
8. Ok this one is a given
That’s one hard head.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
9. Look, it’s a mermaid!
I prefer this one alive, thanks.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
10. This has to be a bird, right?
I was NOT expecting that!

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
11. These tiny terrors were very popular
Other animals worshipped them as adorable killing machines.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
12. The origin of anime
I thought this one was going to be a lot scarier.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
13. Hippopotus-Rex
Real talk: hippos aren’t to be messed with.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week
I’ll be honest, I LIVE on the planet Earth and I still couldn’t tell what half these skulls were at a glance.
Let’s cut the aliens of the future a break. Reimagining what a creature looked like just based on its skull isn’t an easy job. Unless that creature is a crocodile, apparently.
Which skull surprised you the most when you saw what animal it belonged to? Let us know in the comments!