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Break ups can be absolutely brutal. Think about your worst break up. Now imagine breaking your arm. If you had to pick between living out one of those two experiences this year, which would you choose?
It’s kind of a no-brainer in favor of the bone shatter, right?
Of course, it doesn’t always go terribly. Sometimes this change is exactly the kind of kick in the pants we need, as these anonymous folks found out.
10. The inspiration
Sometimes there’s a big silver lining to all the pain.
Source: Whisper
9. The few, the proud
Now that takes a lot of discipline.
Source: Whisper
8. Like a hobby?
If your goal is to make someone else sorry, you may not be healing like you imagine you are…
Source: Whisper
7. Money, honey
Shallowness is gonna cut both ways.
Source: Whisper
6. Cried and cried
“I will be successful. 22F (22 year old female.)”
Source: Whisper
5. The split
Nothing can really be held above who you truly are.
Source: Whisper
4. Working it out
Still, couches are pretty nice, you gotta admit.
Source: Whisper
3. From now on
Again, the jealousy improvement angle is…fraught.
Source: Whisper
2. Limitless potential
It’s inside all of us, I suppose.
Source: Whisper
1. Fuel to the fire
“When I listen to my music I get p**sed about him and work hard.”
Source: Whisper
Whatever it takes to get us going I guess, huh?
Have you ever experienced a weirdly motivating breakup like this before?
Tell us the tale of the heartbreak and the new you in the comments.