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There’s nothing wrong with money, of course, and there’s nothing wrong with being wealthy. But there is something wrong when people act like total assholes just because they have more money than other people.
You know exactly what I’m talking about…
AskReddit users went on the record and shared stories about the best and most gratifying times when they’ve seen spoiled rich kids get smacked right in the face by reality.
1. Not surprising. At all.
“I saw Justin Bieber throw a s**t fit and end up not getting what he wanted.
We have quarterly team building exercises at my company where you basically go and play mini-golf or some other activity capped at $25/person. Sometime between 2009 and 2011 (I really can’t remember exactly) my group just decided to go for a fancy lunch in Downtown Portland. After lunch we took one of our coworkers to the semi-famous Nike store which was a couple of blocks away and that was the day Justin Bieber happened to show up.
When he and his entourage arrived he said something somewhat loudly along the lines of “Y’all are going to have to leave for a bit ’cause I’m here to do some shopping” and some of his people acted like they were going to try and politely force the already-present customers out of the store so Bieber could shop alone but the Nike employees even more politely told him that was not possible. At that point Bieber lost it-I mean he threw a total tantrum because they wouldn’t shut down the store for him. The tantrum didn’t work and he and his folks left in a huff.
That’s really my only “celebrity in the wild” encounter and it’s freaking lame.
2. Wanted a different Mercedes.
“Dad buys a rich kid a Mercedes. It was pinkish (Salmon colored) so the kid bitched about it. Dad took to away, sold it, and never bought him another car.
Rich brat had to buy his own.”
3. Full of sh*t.
“Saw a college guy with a ridiculously expensive car (can’t remember the model) rear-end this woman who drove an absolute beater. Her car was definitely totalled and his wasn’t looking that hot either. He got out and started screaming at this woman. She was in tears. He kept telling her that she was going to pay for this.
When the cops came, I saw each of them give their statements. After that, me and like 10 people came forward and gave our witness statements. It sounded like each and every one of us put complete fault on him (which was the truth). When the cops went back to him, I saw his face just sink. He probably told them it was her fault and just found out that two handfuls of people just confirmed that he’s full of s**t.
I’ve never seen that many witnesses stick around for a simple traffic accident. I think the other people felt the same way I did: that kid was a douche and should be punished for what he did.”
4. You’re cut off.
“One of my college roommates was very rich growing up. I didn’t realized just how rich until I had to explain to her what a coupon was in very extensive detail. On multiple occasions she bragged that she wasn’t even interested in her major (philosophy), or college in general, but she was at uni because her parents were requiring her to get a degree, any degree, in order to get access to her trust fund. I don’t remember ever seeing her go to class and she eventually got expelled sophomore year over academic dishonesty. I guess this was the last straw for her parents because they cut her off pretty soon after that.
This actually served as a wake up call. She somehow managed to get a public health degree at a different school in spite of the academic dishonesty listed on her transcript. She’s doing pretty well for herself these days. We’ve kept in touch and last we talked she was considering grad school.”
5. This is quite a story.
“Local business owner puts son through college and more.
When kid graduates with multiple degrees dad decides to retire and turn over business to son. Son brings college cronies on board, has management all wear white cowboy hats and drive white pickups, begins revamping business.
Dad comes out of retirement pronto, gets rid of son and cronies. Years later bankrolls son’s run for state rep. T
he son lost. Dad dies and leaves business to daughter.”
6. Sounds like a gem.
“Knew a rich kid whose parents bought a car for and he treated it like absolute garbage.
Purposely driving it really hard and generally abusing it, confident in the notion that his parents would buy him the one he wanted after he destroyed the one they got him. Well they didn’t buy him another one, ever. He rode the city bus and bummed rides off of friends after that.
He was the most entitled f**ker I’d ever met, if he was over at your house he would just help himself to whatever was in the fridge like it was some sort of paid buffet.”
7. No safety net.
“About 10 years ago I was having a pint with a friend of mine.
His family s**t gold I swear. I mentioned I was struggling with rent and bills while in College and he just said “get your mum to pay for it then mate?” She’s disabled and we’ve never had real money.
He instantly realized what he said and did feel bad about it. I think it was the first time he really understood that not everyone has their parents to lean on financially.”
8. You can no longer rampage.
“Somewhat distant relative spent all of his university years and twenties partying hard with the ~100-120K allowance his rich company owning father gave him each year. He’d travel the world each year going to Bali, Thailand, Europe, every year Oktoberfest, just rampaging.
At 32 or so he decided to settle an upscale ski resort area of the US and open a business with his hot gold digger fiance. When he went to transfer his money to his US bank account he noticed it only came to a few thousand dollars. He angrily asked the bank worker why she hadn’t transferred the entire amount only to be told that that was the entire amount. His father had cut him off without saying anything and he just hadn’t noticed.
Absolute flatline.”
9. Anger turned to tears.
“While working in a casino here in Las Vegas, a herd of girls came to my window, & one proceeded to tell me about her great birthday party itinerary that her dad had paid for. For her 18th birthday. With no adult in the party. Just a bunch of teenaged girls, out in Vegas.
Where none of them could do anything because none of them were 21. I couldn’t even check them into their reservation. They start yelling & screaming at me, I calmly call security – and security tells them they can either “go play in the arcade” or leave & try to find a hotel off the Strip that will take them in w/out being 21. The anger turns to tears, the security guard is unmoved.”
10. Ouch. Not cool.
“Rich scummy injury lawyer’s kid was in my class in HS. Goes to college (mid size school in the Midwest) and gets plastered drunk (parents bought him and his friends alcohol since freshman year so nothing new) and RA says he has to write him up for alcohol in the dorms.
Punches 2 RAs, then gets cops called on him and knocks a cop’s tooth out. Long story short his parents have to drive back 6-7 hours after one day to get him and he’s not even allowed to leave the state until his hearing. Last I heard he’s working at a fast food establishment.”
11. What do I do with this?
“I used to work at Starbucks and there was a girl that was just newly hired and in training. Mind you she was 20 years old and her parents made her get a job. She grew up in a very wealthy family.
On her first or second day, I had instructed her to do the dishes to help catch us up for closing. She looked at me with these lost eyes and told me she doesn’t know how. Apparently she grew up with house maids and literally has never cleaned a dish in her entire life. I had to teach her step by step how to clean a dish.”
12. Old money…
“Freshman year of college – the guy across the hall from me is a spoiled rich kid from a big southern city. Old money clearly coming out his ass. A couple weeks into the second semester he and a buddy found a checkbook on the sidewalk. Stupid fu**ers decided to write themselves a check and cash it in the bank that the account is in. The teller immediately called the cops and they both got arrested.
We talked the night he got arrested and he laughed and said his dad would “take care of it” and everything would be fine. That weekend we met his dad as they moved everything out of the dorms since his dumb ass got expelled. Guess daddy didn’t take care of it.”
13. Still a little jerk.
“My best moment was when I got hired by a pair of Woodside, CA parents to transition their horrible 18 year old into the realities of “real life”, something that evaded both of them. My first action was to take away his platinum, limitless, credit cards. He threw a tantrum that lasted several days. “Where am I going to get money? ” Get a job. “My parents will fire you.” They didn’t.
When he realized that boundaries & budgets had been set in stone, and that he not only had to pay the bills, the rent, but taxes too, he headed straight to college to wait out the next 4 years. He is still a little jerk, but at least he has a job and an education now.”
14. A whole bunch of felonies.
“I went to school with a kid who always had a new fancy car or truck because his dad owned one of the biggest construction companies in the area. This kid was a major douche and double/triple parked his big trucks all the time. Once he got some sort of fast fancy car and went over 110 mph and was getting chased by state police. He had friends in the car that were telling him to stop and slow down but he wouldn’t.
I believe he was also drunk. BUUUT he ended up crashing into a business doing a ton of damage. He got hit with 3-4 felonies. Driving over 100 mph is a crime in most states and he got multiple kidnapping charges because the passengers were freaking out. Dude never came back to school and I have no clue what he’s doing now.”
15. Didn’t work out so well…
“I knew a guy in high school who bragged that he didn’t have to pay attention in school because (get this) his grandfather was a Vice President of the corporation that supplied the cardboard for cereal boxes for General Mills. Real gravy train, ya know.
Last I checked (since deleted Facebook) he was still working at Best Buy five years after high school, same job he had in high school.”
Wow… some people are hella entitled, right?
Have you ever run into this in your life? Want to share what happened?
Do that in the comments!