
People Talk About Whether It’s Better to Shower at Night or in the Morning

I know where I stand on this issue, and I always have.

I’ve been a night showerer for as long as I can remember. I don’t understand how people can get into bed after a long day of work without showering…it just blows my mind.

What the hell is wrong with them?!?! Sorry if I offended you just there…I’m just very passionate about this subject.

But, on the flip side, I can see how folks need that morning blast to get them moving in the right direction.

Folks on AskReddit users talked about whether they think it’s better to shower in the morning or at night.

Let’s take a look.

1. Here, here!

“Getting into your bed to lay all over the sheets and soak in your sweat and oils from the day is gross.

You should be showering at the end of the day to get all the dirt and stuff off your body from being out and about.”

2. Boom!

“Morning showers? No time for that sh*t.

I’m up at 6:30 and out the door at 7.”

3. USA!

“Showering in the morning is a very American thing.

I’ve lived in a few other countries and the custom there was to was before going to bed.”

4. You might have a problem…

“It depends on if you drink.

If you have a six pack and crash, it doesn’t matter if you shower before bed.

You’re going to sweat that sh*t out at night, and will need to wash it off before work or whatever… so maybe shower twice?”

5. Something to think about…

“You sweat and secrete while you sleep, not just throughout the day, so you should probably shower in the morning too.”

6. You can do both!

“The morning one helps you wake up the one at night helps you get comfy and ready for bed.

Both are awesome.”

7. Morning person.

“I would say NOT showering in the morning is way worse than not showering at night, just because if I don’t I feel grimy all day.

I have pretty oily skin by default so I’m sure that has something to do with it, because some people don’t feel that way at all.”

8. Not a fan of the AM.

“I hate morning showers. Getting ready and making breakfast with wet hair is awful, plus it’s usually not dry before I have to leave.

I’m disturbing my hair as it dries by pulling clothes over it and I’m dripping water I’ll over the place.

Showers post-2pm only.”

9. Two good reasons.

“I do this at night time because I exercise later in the day and can’t wake up early.”

10. Mornings suck.

“I hate the morning and hate morning showers even more.

It’s cold, then your hairs wet making it colder and you’re still groggy. No thanks.

I take my showers at night, blow dry my hair afterwards. it’s so nice and relaxing to go to bed fresh and clean.”

11. Very particular.

“I’m very picky about what can go in/on my bed.

I don’t like people touching my bed, or dirty clothes from the day touching my bed, or anything that’s been outside touching my bed.

So I like to shower and be clean before I go to bed.

Totally agree with this!”

12. A different perspective.

“I’m in a bit of a different boat. Ideally, a few hours after cleaning up, just when the body has replenished a few of the natural oils, is the perfect time to crawl into bed.

This got me thinking though, I’m more of a bath person. Maybe just soaking in water dries me out more than a shower would.

If I hop into bed right after a bath, it seems to only exacerbate and extend that feeling of dryness, especially if they’re fresh sheets. I hate staying in hotels for this reason – always fresh sheets and very often not much time to lounge between bathing and getting into bed.”

13. Keep it fresh.

“Shower to wake up – wash body.

Shower after gym in the evening – deep wash and cleanse the hair.

Freshness is the bestness.”

What do you think?

It is better to shower in the morning or at night?

Spill your guts in the comments!