
Person Asks if They’re Wrong for How They Treated Customers in Line at a Store

Well, this doesn’t sound like a regular visit to the store, does it?

In fact, it sounds like this person had a pretty experience…but did they act like an a**hole?

That is the question, my friends…

Take a look at their story and see if you think they were justified in their actions.

AITA for not letting a mom with a baby in front of me in a long queue and telling an elderly lady to f**k off?

“I went to a shop today and service there was really slow with only one register open (no self checkout) and a really long line of people with majority of them having full carts of items, I on the other hand had only one item.

Behind me was an elderly lady and a mom with a baby, the older lady started telling the mom to skip the queue and go to the front because she’s with a child. I turned to her and asked her to speak for herself and that I do not agree that mom skips in front of me.

We started arguing and I said that this checkout does not give priority for pregnant people and parents so she should wait in line like everybody else and if she is unable because of a baby she shouldn’t bring the baby to the store with her.

The older lady started ranting how she has never seen behavior like this before, how I will understand when I have my own kids to which I said ‘if’ then she started telling me how my life will be horrible if I don’t and how I lack empathy and will regret my decision to which I told her to f**k off because I was tired of her bulls**t. The older women and a mom then just kept talking about me and my behavior between themselves and the mom then complained how she feels uncomfortable existing in a public space because of people like me.

I have absolutely no problem with kids. I don’t h**e them, they never bother me and parents in general here are able to control their kids so they are never a problem. However in this particular situation a child was calmly sleeping a stroller and I just don’t see a reason why she should have a privilege to skip a line just because she popped the baby out of her vajayjay.

Sure if a baby was screaming or she was carrying him in her hands or literally any reason but ‘I’m a mom so my time is more important than yours’ I would let her skip without a second thought. I’m just tired of parents feeling entitled just because without any adequate reason.


Now let’s see how readers reacted on Reddit.

This reader said this person simply didn’t give into the woman’s peer pressure.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And another Reddit user said this woman was acting entitled.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said they are NTA and that some people with kids expect special treatment.

Not this time!

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this story?

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