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I’m not much of a Halloween person, myself, though perhaps my peanut allergy plays a role in my distaste. Living in Missouri, the end-of-October holiday is almost always rainy, cold, or rainy and cold, and when the candy in my bag turned out to be at least 50% inedible (for me), well…you can see how this happened.
I do love candy, however (especially chocolate), so I was curious what sorts are the most popular in other places. Just in case I get a wild hair and decide to don a costume in my old age…
If you’re curious, too, check out the map below – the information was compiled by Influenster and the company interviewed 40,000 people across the country (though some of them seem confused about what sort of candy is actually good – who would choose candy corn over anything chocolate?).

Photo Credit: Influenster
There’s some pretty good variety in the map, aside from the fact that five states picked candy corn. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups topped the most popular list, and my own state chose Hershey’s Kisses, proving that maybe I’ve lived in the right place all along.
Check out the state-by-state breakdown if you’re so inclined, and happy hunting in a few weeks!
h/t: Mental Floss