I thought I would do really well with this quiz.
I was wrong.
I didn’t know any of these.
I guess I really wasn’t paying attention to where these fake people went to school.
Apparently I can only remember fictional high schools that aren’t on this quiz.
I remember where this dude went to school no problem:
And of course I remember these guys’ school:
They only said it, like, 50 times per episode…
I know Degrassi, too.
But it’s the title of the show.
Actually, that’s all I know about it.
Well, none of those shows are on the quiz…
How’d you do?
Better than me, I hope.
I guessed on all of them and got three.
Statistically speaking, that’s terrible.
Want More?
Check out:
Quiz: Is This a Wax Figure Or an Actual Celebrity
Quiz: Do You Know the Famous Voices Behind Your Favorite Characters?
Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Last 19 Seasons of South Park?