The late Steve Irwin will always be remembered for his wacky catchphrases, his winning smile, and the joy he genuinely seemed to get from interacting with animals – even the ones that were actively trying to kill him.
But one of the greatest legacies he left the world – aside from his work with conservation – were his children, Bindi and Robert. Both continue to prove themselves to be, like their father, stellar human beings that are super easy to like.
Unlike the rest of the world, they have a zoo to take care of, so they’re hunkered down with a bunch of animals – which, I think most of us could agree at this point – is a whole lot more interesting than ice cream and Netflix.
Recently, Bindi Irwin and her fiancee, Chandler Powell, tied the knot there in an intimate ceremony.
She looked beautiful, they appear to be in love, but the picture I’m about to show you is better than all of that. I swear.
Because Robert Irwin got this selfie with a tortoise named Igloo, and there has never been a more perfect photograph.
His mother Terri posted the image on social media with the caption “you can ‘adopt’ our gorgeous Aldabra tortoise. He’s the one on the left.'”
Mom with the jokes. I love it.
This tortoise’s face is the most perfect comment on our times I have seen in a while. Change my mind.
Oh wait, you can’t.