
She Caused Some of Her Teenage Sister-In-Law’s Books to Be Confiscated. Did She Go Too Far?

I’m not trying to influence anyone’s opinion here, but this woman sounds like a bit of a bummer.

A Debbie Downer.

A buzzk**l.

But that’s just my two cents.

Check out her story below and see if you think this woman was out of line for what she did.

AITA for causing my mother-in-law to take away some of my sister-in-law’s books?

“We’re visiting my in-laws and my sister-in-law was telling me about all of the books she’s recently read and bought as we both like reading.

I’ve read some of these books and I wasn’t sure if she should be reading them as she’s 16 and some of them are pretty explicit and don’t exactly have the healthiest romances.

I told my husband about the books and he told his parents. My mother-in-law ended up asking me to point out which ones I knew were too mature for her and she confiscated them.

My sister-in-law is mad at me as she isn’t going to get the books back as my mother-in-law is planning to donate them and she’s no longer allowed to buy whatever books she wants.


Let’s see what Reddit users had to say.

This reader said she’s an a**hole…and in a sad way.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said she really messed up on this one.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual shared a relatable story from their past.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

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